Welcome to my thoughts and goings on...

Here to share what God is doing in our lives

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What is going on?

Here is what is going on!!!  Natalie is due with Ethan Michael in just 7-8 weeks.  We hope he arrives before Christmas.  We will all be there waiting and so hope to have a Christmas baby!  a few days before would be great.  Yes, it is just 8 weeks till Christmas :)  
    Sawyer is engaged to Karen Adams (from Michigan- graduate of Moody 2009- older woman)He is deep into his schoolwork here at Moody with this being his final year.
    Taylor and Jenny are enjoying my family down in southern Texas and his new job. They are grateful, even tho Jenny misses midwestern falls.  Texas fall is pretty much just like the summer.
    Carson and Maggie are working hard.  He is in seminary at Dallas Theological and working in youth ministry part time. Maggie is holding down two jobs to support her hubby.  She is working at a yogurt place and also teaching swim lessons thru a fitness center. 
    Paul and I are enjoying a fabulous fall her in downtown Chicago. God gives grace day by day for Paul's work load.  New challenges abound.  I am so proud of him for taking one day at a time.   I am spending this semester mentoring just a few gals but more time refueling after last year of two moves and jumping in with both feet here.  I have backed way off now to prepare for being a grandma and keeping close contact with new daughter in law, my 2 yrs now daughter in law  and a future one come next May.  We are also practicing Skype for when my son in law makes me go home in January.  Right now he says I can stay as long as I want...but I know myself and I will get annoying after awhile.  Then I will be back here and needing to see that grandbaby on Skype!

    Fall colors and delights have been very special to me the past month and a half.  I have been able to be out of the city some enjoying country barns and pumpkin fields. Seeing cows, horses, and goats becomes a highlight when you live in the city.    I was able to go to a few antique stores and then some garage sales (they don't have too many of those downtown here)  My refueling time has been lots of reflection and spending time with some really great books.  Journaling and devoting time to relationships has been a high priority.  Working on wedding photos from our children's weddings is preserving family history and very important to me.   Focusing on the things that will matter into the future and into eternity has become more of a priority to me.  Resting, instead of striving, is a choice I am daily choosing, with His help of course.  Psalm 25:13 -  He who fears God has nothing else to fear. His soul shall dwell at ease. He shall lodge in the chamber of content. One may sleep as soundly in the little bed in the corner as in the Great Bed of Ware; it is not abundance but content that gives true ease. Even here, having learned by grace both to abound and be empty, the believer dwells at ease; but how profound will be the ease of his soul for ever! There he will enjoy the otium cum dignitate; ease and glory shall go together. Like a warrior whose battles are over, or a husbandman whose barns are full, his soul shall take its ease, and be merry for ever. 
     We all have our weaknesses to watch out for, to be aware of, to give to God everyday.  Fears grip me at times.  I have to practice "resting" in His word and in His promise. I just can't read a few verses in the morning and be on my way.  I must "meditate" on His Word and it must become a part of me.  It is "not" until I have had to really lean on those words from God that they are part of me - or they are "knit into the fabric of my being" as my mentor puts it so eloquently. 
     Thank you for keeping up with us.  Find in Him your all.  He is enough.  The Lord bless and keep you all.   Love,  Cheryl